All offers are for information purposes and do not constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of Art. 66 §1 of the Civil Code.
§ 1 Preliminary provisions
The online store “Sklep Koziołek” operating at www.sklep-kozioł is run by Mariusz Kozłowski, running a business under the name Mariusz Kozłowski Kozieremont with headquarters in Sulejówek, ul. Hotelowa 8/23, 05-070 Sulejówek, registered under the NIP number: 8121817371, REGON: 523792855, entered into the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity kept by the minister responsible for economy.
The Regulations are addressed to Consumers and Entrepreneurs and specify the types and conditions for concluding and terminating sales contracts and contracts for the provision of electronic services, as well as the complaint procedure.
§ 2 Definitions
The definitions used in the Regulations should be understood as follows:
Store – online store run by the Seller at the Internet address www.sklep-kozioł
Seller; Service Provider – Mariusz Kozłowski, running a business under the name Mariusz Kozłowski Kozieremont with its registered office in Sulejówek, ul. Hotelowa 8/23, 05-070 Sulejówek, registered under the NIP number: 8121817371, REGON: 523792855, entered into the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity kept by the minister responsible for economy.
Customer – any entity that uses the services and functionalities of the Store, in particular those making purchases via the Store.
Consumer – a natural person concluding a contract with the Seller within the Store, the subject of which is not directly related to his or her business or professional activity.
Entrepreneur – a Customer who uses the Store in connection with his/her business activity within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of March 6, 2018 – Entrepreneurs’ Law.
Order – the Customer’s declaration of will aimed directly at concluding a Sales Agreement for the Product or Products with the Seller.
Product – a product or service available in the Store that is the subject of the Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller.
Agreement – this term means any type of agreement concluded between the Customer and the Seller via the Store.
Newsletter – an electronic distribution service provided by the Seller via e-mail, which enables all Service Users using it to automatically receive the content of subsequent editions of the Newsletter containing information about new products and Products in the Store.
Service Recipient – a natural person with full legal capacity, and in cases provided for by generally applicable regulations, also a natural person with limited legal capacity; a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, which is granted legal capacity by law, using the Electronic Service.
Electronic Service – a service provided electronically by the Service Provider to the Service User via the Store.
Working day – one full day from Monday to Friday, excluding Saturdays and public holidays.
Regulations – these regulations of the Store.
§ 3 General provisions
The Seller sells goods via the Internet using the internet domain The products presented in the Store are brand new.
The Regulations define the rules for purchases in the Store.
Most of the Products presented in the Store are covered by a warranty granted by the manufacturer or distributor. Information whether a given Product is covered by such a warranty can be found in the Product description available on the Store’s website.
Proof of purchase is issued for each Product sold (receipt or VAT invoice).
§ 4 Placing orders and payments
The Customer may place an Order:
via e-mail, by sending the Order to the following address:,
by calling the hotline at (+48) 795391795.
Orders can be placed 24 hours a day, except for orders placed via the telephone hotline, which are accepted from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Orders placed at other times and on other non-working days are processed on the next business day.
An order is placed by indicating the products of interest to the Customer and sending this information via e-mail to the Seller. In the e-mail message, it is necessary to provide the data necessary to complete the order, name and surname, address of the natural person or person running a business, including invoice data (personal or company). At the stage of placing an order, the method of delivery of the ordered products and the method of payment for the order are also determined. The condition for placing an order is acceptance of the Regulations, which the Customer should read beforehand. In case of any doubts regarding the Regulations, the Customer may contact the Seller.
In the case of Orders placed via e-mail or telephone hotline, a “Pro Forma” document is prepared and delivered to the Customer electronically to the e-mail address provided by him. This document confirms the acceptance of the Order and consolidates the essential provisions of the concluded Agreement. Depending on the selected form of payment, it may constitute the basis for the Customer to make an advance payment or make full payment for the ordered Product. The “Pro Forma” document contains the bank account number appropriate for settlements with the Seller. This number is also shown on the Store’s website in the “Bank account number” tab.
All Product prices given on the Store’s website are expressed in PLN, both net and gross (including VAT).
The price of a given Product is presented on the Store’s website and is known to the Customer before concluding the Sales Agreement.
Delivery of the purchased Product or provision of the service takes place in the manner and within the time specified in the e-mail received by the Customer from the Seller in response to the placed Order via e-mail.
If the subject of the order are Products of various types at the same time, placing an order leads to the conclusion of several Agreements of a specific type corresponding to the subject of the order.
Information on the total value of the order, including delivery costs, will be sent to the Customer via e-mail in response to the placed order, before concluding the Agreement. If the total value of the order is accepted by the Customer, the Agreement is deemed concluded between the Customer and the Seller. Confirmation of the conclusion of the Agreement will be sent to the Customer at the e-mail address provided when placing the order.
The Customer may use the payment method: bank transfer to the Seller’s bank account number.
§ 5 Delivery
Delivery of the ordered Products takes place via a courier company directly from the manufacturer to the address indicated by the Customer when ordering.
Delivery of the ordered Products is possible only within the territory of the Republic of Poland.
Providing an incorrect or incomplete delivery address by the Customer may extend the delivery time or prevent the delivery.
The Seller informs that in accordance with Art. 545 of the Civil Code, the Customer should check the delivered shipment at the time and in the manner accepted for shipments of a specific type. In the event of any damage to the shipment (for example, a dented or torn package), the Seller asks you to immediately contact us by phone at (+48) 795391795 to clarify the matter. Moreover, the Seller informs that in the event of damage to the shipment during transport, the Customer has the right, in accordance with the Act of November 15, 1984, Transport Law (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 8, as amended), to contact the supplier for the preparation of a damage report in a situation where the supplier does not prepare a damage report on its own initiative. If the Customer receives a damage report from the supplier, we recommend sending a copy of this document to the address indicated in §1. 1 of the Regulations, the address of the Seller’s registered office, as this may contribute to the Seller’s faster consideration of the complaint submitted by the Customer.
In the event of damage to the shipment during transport, the Product should be properly secured (until the matter is clarified) to protect it against possible further damage or destruction.
§ 6 Warranty conditions
In the case of a Product for which the manufacturer or distributor has provided a warranty, the Customer may complain about a product with defects:
using the rights arising from the granted warranty – in this case, the Customer files a complaint about the Product directly to the guarantor (entity granting the warranty), in accordance with the information included in the warranty card; the warranty does not exclude, limit or suspend the Customer’s rights arising from the provisions on warranty for defects in the sold item,
using his rights under the warranty – in such a case, a complaint should be submitted in accordance with the provisions of § 7 of the Regulations.
§ 7 Complaints
The Seller is obliged to provide the Customer with a Product free from defects.
The Seller is liable to the Customer if the Product sold has a physical or legal defect (warranty for defects).
If the Customer finds a defect in the Product, he should inform the Seller about it, specifying his claim related to the identified defect or submitting a declaration of appropriate content.
When submitting a complaint, please provide the name and surname or name of the Customer and describe the subject of the complaint. Attaching a copy of the purchase document (to the notification) will allow for faster identification of the case. Photographic documentation will also be welcome and can be sent electronically to: After receiving the notification, the complaint procedure will be initiated. In the event of a warranty complaint, the case will be immediately forwarded by the Seller to the guarantor and its progress will be monitored.
For products requiring installation, the product should be inspected for visible defects under sufficient lighting immediately prior to installation. If, after removing the product from any factory packaging, there are any defects in the product, you should in any case stop unpacking subsequent packaging of this product until the complaint is considered.
Due to the nature of the product, the advertised product should not be returned. The product should be secured to protect it against possible damage or destruction until the complaint procedure is completed.
Within 14 (fourteen) calendar days of receiving the complaint, the Seller will respond to the Customer’s complaint and inform him about the further course of action.
§ 8 Extrajudicial methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims
Detailed information on the possibility for the Consumer to use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims, as well as the rules of access to these procedures, are available at the offices and on the websites of district (municipal) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, and Provincial Inspectorates of Inspections. Handlowa and on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection at: .
The consumer has the following exemplary options for using out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims. Among other things, the Consumer has the opportunity to:
submitting a request to a permanent consumer arbitration court to resolve a dispute arising from the Agreement concluded with the Seller,
to apply to the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection to initiate mediation proceedings regarding the amicable settlement of the dispute between the Consumer and the Seller,
use free assistance in resolving a dispute between him and the Seller, also using free assistance from the district (municipal) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection (including the Consumer Federation, the Association of Polish Consumers).
The customer has the right to use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims. For this purpose, he may submit a complaint via the platform of the online dispute resolution system between consumers and entrepreneurs at the EU level (ODR platform) available at: .
§ 9 Right to withdraw from the contract
The Customer, who is a Consumer who has concluded a distance contract with the Seller, may withdraw from the Sales Agreement without giving any reason within 14 (fourteen) days. To meet the deadline, it is enough to send a statement before its expiry. The declaration of withdrawal from the contract should be delivered to the address of the Seller’s registered office indicated in §1 of the Regulations.
An exemplary template of the contract withdrawal form is attached as Annex No. 2 to the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 287, as amended). The consumer may use the template form, but it is not mandatory.
The period for withdrawing from the Agreement begins:
for an Agreement under which the Seller delivers an item, being obliged to transfer its ownership (e.g. sales contract) – from the Consumer or a third party indicated by him other than the carrier taking possession of the item, and in the case of an Agreement that: covers many items, which are delivered separately, in batches or in parts – from taking possession of the last item, batch or part, or consist in regular delivery of items for a specified period of time – from taking possession of the first item,
for other contracts – from the date of conclusion of the Agreement.
The Consumer is obliged to return the Product to the Seller or hand it over to a person authorized by the Seller to collect it immediately, but no later than 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which he withdrew from the contract, unless the Seller offered to collect the item himself. To meet the deadline, it is enough to return the Product before its expiry.
The consumer bears the direct costs of returning the item.
The returned Product should be properly secured during transport, must not bear traces of use other than that necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the item, damage, and should be returned together with complete equipment and accessories as well as documentation issued at the time of its sale. Due to the specificity of the Product , and in particular maintaining its technical parameters, the factory protective packaging of the Product should not be damaged.
The Consumer is liable for any reduction in the value of the Product resulting from using the Product in a manner that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product.
In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Seller returns to the Consumer all payments received from the Consumer, no later than 14 days from the date on which the Seller was informed about the Consumer’s withdrawal from the Contract. The Seller will refund the payment using the same payment methods that were used by the Consumer in the original transaction, unless the Consumer has expressly agreed to a different solution that will not involve any costs for him.
The right to withdraw from a distance contract is not available to the Consumer in relation to contracts:
for the provision of services for which the Consumer is obliged to pay the price, if the Seller has fully performed the service with the express and prior consent of the Consumer, who was informed before the commencement of the service that after the Seller has completed the service, he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract and has acknowledged this fact ;
in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which the entrepreneur has no control and which may occur before the deadline to withdraw from the Agreement;
in which the subject of the service is non-prefabricated goods, manufactured according to the Consumer’s specifications or serving to meet his individual needs;
in which the subject of the service is goods that deteriorate quickly or have a short shelf life;
in which the subject of the service is a Product delivered in a sealed package, which cannot be returned after opening the package due to health protection or hygiene reasons, if the package was opened after delivery;
in which the subject of the service are goods which, after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably combined with other goods;
in which the Consumer expressly requested that the Seller come to him for urgent repair or maintenance; if the Seller additionally provides other Services than those requested by the Consumer, or provides Products other than spare parts necessary for repair or maintenance, the Consumer has the right to withdraw from the Agreement in relation to additional Services or Products;
for the provision of services for which the Consumer is obliged to pay a price, for which the Consumer has expressly requested the Seller to come to him for repairs, and the service has already been fully performed with the Consumer’s express and prior consent.
§ 10 Electronic Services
The Service Provider provides the following Electronic Services via the Store:
making Product descriptions (including photos) available for viewing via the Store’s website,
The provision of Electronic Services by the Service Provider is free of charge.
The Service Recipient may terminate the use of the Electronic Service referred to in section. 1 point a) above by leaving the Store website.
Electronic Newsletter Service provided for an indefinite period of time. The Service Recipient has the option, at any time and without giving a reason, to unsubscribe from the Newsletter by sending an appropriate request to the Service Provider via e-mail to the following address:
Technical requirements necessary for cooperation with the IT system used by the Service Provider: (1) computer, laptop or other multimedia device with Internet access; (2) access to e-mail; (3) current version of the web browser: Mozilla Firefox; Internet Explorer; Opera; Google Chrome; Safari or Microsoft Edge; (4) recommended minimum screen resolution: 1024×768; (5) enabling cookies and Javascript support in the web browser.
The Service Recipient is obliged to use the Store in a manner consistent with the law and good practices, taking into account the respect for personal rights and copyrights and intellectual property of the Service Provider and third parties. The service recipient is obliged to enter data consistent with the actual situation. The Service Recipient is prohibited from providing illegal content.
§ 11 Personal data protection
The administrator of the Customer’s personal data in the scope of personal data obtained as part of the Product sales service and the Newsletter service is the Seller.
The Customer placing an order consents to the storage and processing of personal data by the Seller in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Act of May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1781, as amended).
The Customer’s personal data are processed by the Seller solely for the purpose of executing Orders, unless otherwise stated in the statements made by the Customer to the Seller.
Providing personal data by the Customer when placing an Order is voluntary, but necessary to conclude the Agreement.
The customer has the right to access his or her personal data, correct it and request its deletion.
If the Customer expresses additional, separate and informed consent, the personal data provided by the Customer will be processed by the Seller also in order to inform the Customer about new goods, promotions and services available in the store (Newsletter).
If the Customer expresses additional, separate and informed consent to participate organized by Opineosp. z o. o. based in Wrocław, a survey regarding a transaction made in the store, the Customer’s e-mail address will be forwarded to the survey organizer in order to send the Customer an e-mail with a survey to complete.
§ 12 Final provisions
All content contained in the Store, including visual, textual, graphic and photo materials as well as trademarks of Product manufacturers are protected by copyright and are used by the Seller only for the purpose of promoting and selling relevant Products.
To use the Store, including viewing the Store’s assortment and placing orders for Products, you need:
end device with access to the Internet and a web browser,
and an active e-mail account.
Individual computer settings may cause differences between the visualization of the Product on the Customer’s computer and the actual appearance of the Product (color, proportions, etc.).
The Customer is fully responsible for any consequences resulting from incorrect submission of the Order by the Customer, in particular when the Customer provides incorrect or false data.
Any disputes arising between a Customer who is not a Consumer within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code and the Seller will be resolved by the court having jurisdiction over the Seller’s registered office.
The court competent to resolve disputes arising from the operation of the Store or concluded Agreements will be the court competent for the Seller’s registered office. The previous sentence does not apply to Consumers in a dispute with whom the jurisdiction of the court results from the provisions of the Act of November 17, 1964, Code of Civil Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1805, as amended).
The Seller reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations for important reasons, i.e. changes in legal provisions, changes in payment and delivery methods, to the extent that these changes affect the implementation of the provisions of these Regulations. The changes come into force on the day of their publication in the Store.
For contracts concluded before the amendment of the Regulations, the version of the Regulations in force on the date of conclusion of the Agreement shall apply.
All archived versions of the Regulations are available for download in .pdf format – links can be found below the Regulations.
In matters not regulated in these Regulations, generally applicable provisions of Polish law apply, in particular: the Civil Code, the Act on the provision of electronic services, the Act on consumer rights and the general data protection regulation.
These Regulations are valid from the date of publication in the Store, i.e. May 29, 2023